Are You a Coffee-Lover Trying to Build Muscle? These Powders and Shakes Are For You

Weight Loss

Eating more protein is an essential step in the muscle-building process because the macronutrient is the building block of muscle and it helps build and repair tissue. Protein also helps you feel fuller and boosts your metabolism (aka adding protein-rich foods to a well-balanced diet can aid in weight loss). Daily intake of protein varies depending on what your goals are, so check out this formula for how many grams you should have per day.

Adding powders and shakes to your diet is an easy (and delicious) way to meet these gram requirements. With so many brands and flavors to choose from, finding ones you like can seem daunting. But starting with what you know is a great way to dive right in. Take coffee, for instance. By now, it’s probably an old friend — something you count on for early-morning companionship and midday support. If you’re searching for coffee protein powders and shakes to buy online, look no further. Read on for a comprehensive list, from one coffee lover to another. Note: most of these products contain caffeine, but we’ve included some that are simply coffee flavored.

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